
The Epic Adventures of Tamara and Shelby:...And Morgan and Connor!

The photo was shamelessly taken from Tamara. It's hers!

Instead of just Tamara and I going to a game together, we went with two other of our friends. We had some pretty good seats in one of the corners of the arena. The view was great! The game wasn't, but we won't talk about that. Steve was on the poster last night and Tamara and I bought it of course. The only two posters I have are Craig and Steve. I think there is going to be a pattern here with them. I could've bought Derek and Mike too but I hate Derek and Mike was injured that game.

We saw Morgan's twin sister at one of the food places, said our hellos and got food, and then went to our seats. We had made signs (or should I say Tamara made them) and they had three ducks and a picture of Goose on one of the posters. So it went 'Duck. Duck. Duck. GOOSE!' We got on the jumbotron in the back at one point and apparently we ended up on TV. I have no idea, haha.

I wish Sabretooth had danced or the Timbits had skated the whole time because that would've been worth more of the money I spent on a ticket than watching that game. Horrendous.

Ottawa is not far away! I will more than likely update this before we leave but if I don't have time, then pray for us!

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