
The 2008 Sporting Event of the Year

Well deserved.

Thinking back to the 2008 Winter Classic, it all seems like a blur to me. I was there with my stepdad and stood the entire time. My toes were frozen and the foot warmers didn't help me out at all. My hands were also numb. I had only ingested hot cocoa from Tim Horton's that whole day until the game was over but it was entirely worth it. It's an experience that I will never forget. Being there with Sabres and Penguins fans alike was so much fun. We didn't get the outcome that we wanted, but it doesn't mean that this game won't be in our heads for a long, long time.


Jill said...

It definitely was the best day EVER! I am glad I was there to experience it.

Shelby said...

I wish everyone had had a chance to experience that in person. Such a fun day.